Nepal Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) was formed on 31 Chaitra 2066 B.S. (13 April 2010 A.D.) according to Act no. 23 of 2064 B.S. endorsed by legislative parliament of Nepal, and the officials of the Academy took their office from 2 Baishakh 2067 B.S. (15 April 2010 A.D.) The establishment of NAFA was the remarkable event in the history of Nepali art. It was the result of untiring struggle of Nepal artists for three decades from 2036 B.S. Both the senior and young artists put their effort and demonstrated unitedly for the establishment of the autonomous body of art and Nepali artists. At the beginning, the authority ignored the voice of innumerable artists; the dream of the artists deferred but not deceased. The more they were silenced the more they became louder. As a result, the artists got victory. Nepal Academy of Fine Arts was established. After its establishment, the Academy has organized four National Fine Art Exhibitions along with other activities like art workshops, seminars, exhibitions, research and publications. Different Departments organized various programs in many districts. Their activities are related to various genres of art like sculpture, painting, handicraft, folk art, architecture, traditional art, contemporary art, alternative art, video art, performance and installation art. The first team of Academy including Academic Assembly and Academic Council completed its term successfully at the end of 2070 B.S. and new academicians have begun their works since 2071 and planning their activities and executing them in full swing.